The Sultanate of Oman is seeking to diversify its economy away from hydrocarbons.  SI were invited by a government agency to conduct a sector innovation programme for Omani Fisheries.

The objectives were to increase sector profitability by OMR 10 million EBIT and to develop a National Strategic Framework for Sustainable Fisheries Management.



Global scouting to landscape processing technologies, value-added products, industry best practices, intellectual property and trends in regional and global markets. 

The insights gathered formed the basis of a process to form business canvases and full business plans for the selected opportunities

  • Literature review of academic and grey literature
  • Patent analysis
  • Local scouting including visits to over 40 factories, landing sites and markets
  • Global scouting for relevant innovations, including 30 expert interviews
  • Three stakeholder workshops were completed with industry, academia and government
  • Over 100 innovation opportunities identified, 25 developed to business plan level
  • A National Strategic Framework delivered to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, including policy recommendations.
  • A wiki-based knowledge portal accessible by seafood sector stakeholders in Oman
  • Implementation support for a national traceability system for seafood products.